Emergence, hosted by Alluvion Dance Chicago (ADC), is a summer festival of up and coming choreographers, now presenting in its sixth season. ADC has presented work from up and coming independent choreographers as well as choreography from prestigious companies and institutions such as Thodos Dance Chicago, Cerqua Rivera Dance Theatre, LevelDance, JorsTap, UArts, Columbia College Chicago, and many, many more. Striving to be a buffer between emerging choreographers and professional companies, ADC presents Emergence. This summer dance festival provides up and coming choreographers an opportunity to up to 20 emerging dance companies, choreographers and artists to present their work in a fully produced setting among full house audiences, company directors and producers.
First Let'sDiscover
Applicants from all around the country submit their work to be presented at a state of the art theater hosted by Chicago's own contemporary dance company, Alluvion Dance Chicago.
Then Let'sPresent
ADC accepts 15 applicants to showcase their work at emergence. All choreographers receive feedback from an esteemed panel of Artistic Directors, choreographers and Rehearsal Directors.
Time to moveOnward
Here at emergence, we provide a platform for up and coming artists to present their work. Many of our presenting choreographers have now become an integral part of Chicagoland's choreographic scene - presenting work throughout.